Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Christmas on the 23rd floor

Woke up 3:30 in the morning to write the following to accompany the art piece we put up for display on the 23rd floor.

There are a few among us who believe that Christmas is more than an "intelligent design." It is about love personified, giving and reaching out.

On the other hand, there are many of us who believe that we should use the talents we possess, for the woods would be silent, if no birds sang except the best.

As a team we have put together a mural comprising 196 pieces, all of which individually painted using a variety of medium. We relied on one common talent we cherished as a child - our ability to draw, to color. We did not know how the picture would eventually turn out. It was a step in faith when we first started the project. We just believed.

We have no yule log, tinsel nor miseltoes. The bears on our tree are those we treasure so dearly, but are willing to risk losing, for the glory of Christmas.

Poinsettia would be nice, but cost too much. So we increase its yield by office grown African voilet. And the purpose of all the effort is simply to wish each and everyone who drops in a meaningful, memorable, and a very merry Christmas.

In SRD we still believe that the truest measurement of our growth and accomplishment is in remembering where we came from, where we have been, and where we are going. Each of us though remains a unique and wonderful individual with a specific reason to be in MAS. Each of us is called by our name as tagged on the gifts. Yet in diversity there is unity.

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