Sunday, January 29, 2006


Recipe for Bak Kwa

Today is Chinese New Year. Here's a recipe from Straits Times for my friends overseas who miss bak kwa. If you are trying it out for the first time, suggest you half or quarter the recipe.

2 kg ground pork, preferably hind leg
125 ml soy sauce
125 ml oyster sauce
2 tsp fish sauce
500g sugar
30 plastic bags (25x20cm each)
large tray for drying

1. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Wet hands and divide into 30 equal portions (about 1/3 cup). Roll each portion into a cylinder, then flatten slightly. Place each in a plastic bag and use a rolling pin to roll tem out into thin layers about 3mm thick.

2. Arrange the meat sheets in their plastic bags on large trays and dry in the sun for 6 to 7 hours, or until dry and firm. While drying, leave the bags open and the top part of the bags lifted to allow moisture to escape. Turn the sheet over at 1-hr intervals, wiping away the moisture inside with paper towels. Alternatively, remove the sheets from the plastic and bake them on baking sheets until they are ready to be barbequed. Grill them on a charcoal grill, or sear them in a heated nonstick pan for 2 to 3 minutes on each side. Cut the sheets into tiny squares and serve hot or at room temperature. Cooked meat sheets keep well without refrigeration for 4 to 5 days and with refrigeration for 3 to 4 weeks.

Friday, January 27, 2006


Thanks for those kind words

"Don't know what the words in your invitation mean but whatever - you sure 8th flr is big enough? I fondly remember when you first arrived - Y2K, your presentation on what is risk, mamak shop and gourmet coffee. To me, these were breaths of fresh air. I greatly enjoyed our time and generally being on the geeky 23rd floor. Just some days before, a few of us reminisced about memorable people whom we had had in our midst. I have sadly to count you as one soon. Though I expected something like this will happen, I had also hoped, although I do not know much, that whatever it was to be causing you those panda eyes, they could be resolved and the same you as when you first came, would reappear. I hope you will find serenity and happiness in your life after MAS. Given your list of accomplishments, your problem will probably be bogged with too many rather than fewer choices - which is a good dilemma. See you on 24 Feb and hope it is one that is memorable for old times sake!"

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Why Everybody Needs Good Nutirtion

A daily intake of vitamins, minerals and nutrients is essential to good health and energy.

In an ideal world, we would obtain a correct balance of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from the food we eat. But with todya's hectic lifestyles and poor eating habits, this is often impractical, resulting in a lower level of nutrition than desirable.

Weight problems and nutrional deficiencies are widespread in our society, mainly due to poor eating habits such as overeating, skipping meals and "yo-yo" dieting. Stress, medications, smoking, alcohol and poor eating habits all lead to decreased nutrient absorption.

Many people who try to lose weight quickly abuse their bodies with radical and unsafe slimming methods. Minimal, or reduced-calorie diets rarely provide the full nutrition that our bodies require and can lead to long-term health disorders.

Harsh dieting also robs us of all enjoyment from eating. After long periods of dieting and self-denial, many people fail to maintain their desired weight and put back on every kilo they lost - and more.

If our diet is less than perfect, we need supplements. : )

Friday, January 20, 2006


Can anyone read my mind?

Anyone who can guess who this is and why I post the picture and why this month, win a prize. :)

Monday, January 16, 2006


What will it be?

Come Mar 06 and my BMW 525i will be 5 years old. So what so significant about that? For those of us Singaporeans who care about cars, we will tell you that there is a step jump drop in used car prices when they cross the magic 5-year mark. Trust me, it is true.

As William needs a car for his job, I decided against just giving up a car altogether. So it is trading in the BMW for a much smaller car. Spending the last couple weekends shopping for a car is tiring. I like Mazda 3 hatchback. CK recommended I consider Honda Civic or Jazz for fuel economy. The CG of Jazz seems is high and I don't feel too comfortable in it. Prefer a much lower car.

Test drove Peugot 206 yesterday. The suspension was incredibly good. 13km/litre is not bad at all. I liked the rough and raw engine sound as it reminded me of the Lotus Elan I once owned. Compared to the others we test drove, quite sure I wouldn't get bored with the 206 for several years to come. Wondering how much the maintenance would be.

Will I be willing to give up all the electronic gadgetry that I have learnt to love in my BMW? The real test will come when I have to decide. And I got to decide soon as Mar is fast approaching. It ouwld be a real surprise if the final vote goes to Hundai GETZ. : )

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Do I have a disease?

"Simple snoring is considered a social disease," the headline reads. "Not a nuisance to the snorer, but a nuisance to the bed-partner."

I recalled the last time I travelled overseas and shared a room with a friend, he commented that I slept so soundly that I snored. Was he just being polite but was suggesting I seek help?

As I understand it, the presence of snoring is an "alarm" that alerts one to the possibility of a sleep disorder. Am I a simple snorer or someone with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)? Apparently studies have found an OSA incidnece of 24% in men and only 9% in women.

Well, well, I haven't experienced choking sensation at night, nor gasping for air at night. I usually sleep right through without waking up at all. One more thing for sure, I could not be a nuisance to my bed-partners either. My 2 constant night time companions above have not complained even once.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Smiling faces always make me glad

Yeong Ping joined my Department 5 years ago when he returned to Singapore. And 5 years quickly went by and he is now back in the US. It is hard for many of us to believe that Yeong Ping and Sheree would give up all the great food, the convenience, orderliness and great commaradie for experimental cooking at home, long drives, and a chuhuahua-mix mutt!

Glad to see those beautiful smiles in the picture. I hope you are not smiling at the fact that old folks like me still live in 3-room HDB flat when you have moved to a house in Sunnyvale.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


See you in Hong Kong

I wrote about Nicholas on Sep 14. Yep, he is moving on to Hong Kong soon. With the excuse to celebrate the New Year and to say good bye, I invited Nicholas and 3 other friends over for dinner.

One thing definitely suprised me at dinner. My 4 guests were all in Taiwan over Christmas. They had not coordinated their trips, each planned and decided on his own, yet they were all there at the same place and at the same time. I am the only one that is completely out of synch!

As I was doing the cleaning after the party, Nicholas forever looks so young as evident in this picture. He must be the envy of mortals who can't quite slow down our aging process. I should recommend that he consider capitalising on his youthful look and go market some cosmetic products or anti-aging supplements.

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